Have Ryan And Eva Tied The Knot?

<a href="https://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/pcs/click?xai=AKAOjsvAAD7yyen1Lqs-oYVM5YultrYmNNtkjukbbPVnbW8GKntXf7uUC-sq3OO7L6P7xD1CxYtGi6dp062q9LaIZ_nCIYrgzpS6Jdx375Q7Vnk4RN_WKNOUFm2XGfx7M56HRRyuNXXJpBxPZhFSYuTB457sxD-7I_OSEJqFOE3_zhX5mkl-4N5Q2yDtNk8fShoUgmCgDAYP-6I5kdnZKDFMtOhthSAVNed622OWmfWaO-PrdjxSMHpG6dWSTFPdeQD1HL4g4ME&sig=Cg0ArKJSzJY5aN9t3kwyEAE&urlfix=1&adurl=http%3A//bs.serving-sys.com/BurstingPipe/adServer.bs%3Fcn%3Dbrd%26FlightID%3D18915552%26Page%3D%26PluID%3D0%26Pos%3D1536527927" target="_blank"><img src="http://bs.serving-sys.com/BurstingPipe/adServer.bs?cn=bsr&FlightID=18915552&Page=&PluID=0&Pos=1536527927" border=0 width=300 height=600></a> AS Hollywood reels from the news that Angelina Jolie has filed for divorce from Brad Pitt, people are searching for a glimmer of hope and they seem to have found it in the rumours that Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes reportedly wed in…

Victoria’s Secret supermodel Stella Maxwell strips off for her raciest shoot yet as she flashes her assets AND pert behind after being named world’s hottest woman

She shot to fame after being linked to Miley Cyrus last year. But supermodel Stella Maxwell has proven she can raise eyebrows all by herself. The stunning Victoria's Secret beauty has shot her raciest ever shoot for Maxim magazine. The editorial, shot in California by Gilles Bensimon as she was named world's hottest…